Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Observer Rhythm City Fight Scene

NOTE: The TV Observer does not encourage violence or physical abuse. This blog is a pure reflection on fighting scenes on television following the broadcast of Rhythm City’s fight scene.

I often find it interesting at how shows avoid fight scenes, even if it’s between two people. I am not talking about a "HOSTEL - the movie" type violence. I thought they avoided them because the actors are bad at simulating the fights, as we saw with Parsons and Vusi on Isidingo most recently. Don't threaten... throw a punch Vusi. It lacked much needed force to warrant the tension and circumstances.

But Rhythm City delivered a great scene on the subject and those boys went all out. The camera and directing allowed the audience to get equally terrified and scared at the antics of township boys with cultural weapons whilst murders and prison alumni’s went head to weapon to showcase their manhood.

As I read your fighting scene comments, I will be enjoying a chocolate covered Sally Williams nougat. I think I need to go to rehab..... To read more CLICK HERE

The TV Observer's Reviews
A GREAT scene despite the violence
Delivery by actors was PERFECT
SCARY but entertaining

By The Observer

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